Privacy Policy

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Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information

You will not be asked to provide personal information. Any information you somehow manage to voluntarily provide will not be sold.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are used to help identify you, help set access preferences, and help understand use of this site. Ads appearing on this site may be delivered by ad partners, and those partners may set their own cookies. Cookies allow advertisers to recognize your device each time they send you an ad. This information allows advertisers to deliver targeted ads. This privacy policy covers the use of first-party cookies and does not cover the use of cookies used by advertisers because there’s no access to control them. Feel free to disable, block, and/or delete cookies.

Any personal information you provide to linked pages is between you and that site. This policy only applies to this site. You should research everyone’s privacy policy before providing personal information.

All Rights Reserved

This privacy policy may be modified at any time.

Affiliate Program(s)

Some product recommendations are linked to Amazon and thus require this statement: “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”